Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What is an Atom?

It is the story of an atom. Atom is just like us. As you know, in this universe everything has one counterpart like day-night, good-bad, hot-cold, plus-minus and so on. Atom also has positive and negative parts. Its positive part is called proton and its counter companion is electron which is negative. They are always present in equal number to maintain the neutrality of an atom. As you can understand they cannot stay together. Both have their unique character. Electrons are quite restless and full of energy unlike protons. So protons choose to go in the core/nucleus of an atom and rest there. While electrons prefer to continually revolve around the nucleus. Yes, just like planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun. You know every planet has its own track in which it moves around the Sun. Electrons also have their tracks and each track has its particular energy level. Just imagine electrons are moving in a circular racing track with the nucleus at its centre. Inner tracks are closer to the nucleus and smaller than others. They are occupied by less energy electrons. As the distance between nucleus and tracks increases, energy level of tracks increases and so does the energy of electrons belonging to them.

How do electrons move around? Do they run or jump or walk? An electron's motion is like our Earth. Just like the Earth, it revolves around its axis and simultaneously moves in its track. You can also compare it with your childhood toy “spin top”. Every electron revolves clockwise or anticlockwise in its axis while it travels in the track.

How many electrons can run in a particular track? Every track allows a particular number of electrons to run. Track 1 which is closest to the nucleus allows only 2electrons. Track 2 allows 8 electrons, track 3 also allows 18 and track 4 allows 32.

Do electrons have some vehicle or anything like that? Yes they have. As you know, everyone can afford a different car according to their status. You can imagine that Electrons travel in different models of spaceships. These spaceships are provided to them according to their energy level or in other words according to the  track in which they are moving. Every spaceship has a different occupancy and shape. Spaceship for the electrons moving in track 1 have “s” model of spaceship. This model is spherical in shape and has only one compartment with 2 seats. Spaceship for the electrons moving in track 2 have two models of spaceship “s” and “p” model. Model “p” is dumbbell  shaped and has three compartments, each of which has 2 seats. Spaceship for the electrons moving in track 3 have three models of spaceship “s”, “p” and “d” model. Model “d” is double-dumbbell shaped and has five compartments, each of which has 2 seats. Spaceship for the electrons moving in track 4 have four models of spaceship “s”, “p”, “d” and “f” model. Model “f” is the most superior one and it has a very complex shape and has seven compartments, each of which has 2 seats.
Now you can imagine protons are staying inside the nucleus and electrons are roaming around it in the tracks. Electron looks like your “spinning top” which is travelling in its spaceship.

You may wonder how all protons gently stay in the nucleus. They all have positive charge they must repel each other like same magnetic poles do. Yes they repel each other, but for the harmony the peace maker neutrons are present inside the nucleus. They are neutral in charge so they keep protons at a safe distance.
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