Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ionization of weak acids and bases

Weak acids and bases are miser kind of species, because even though they have Hor OHions, they don’t give them quickly and when they do give them, they only give a part of them. When weak acids/bases are dissolved in water they partly dissociate or ionize. To know how much Hor OHions they will release in water, we need to study their ionization reactions.

Let’s take an example of a weak acid HX and study its ionization in water:

HX(aq) + H2O(l)  H3O+(aq)  + X-(aq)

If we have taken c mol/lit of HX initially at time t=0, when the concentration of H3O+ and X- were 0 and only a fraction of moles (α) underwent dissociation.

Suppose out of 1 mole of acid, α mole of acid undergoes dissociation.
Then from c moles of acid (c.α) will be dissociated.

At time t, (cα) moles of HX dissociate and produce (cα) moles of H3Oand (cα) moles of X-. So at the time of equilibrium HX is left with (c-cα) moles/lit and H3Oand X- each has (cα) moles/lit.
Dissociation Constant and Degree of Dissociation
Dissociation Constant and Degree of Dissociation

Relation between Degree of Dissociation α and Dissociation Constant Ka:

Now we will calculate the equilibrium constant Ka  as it is the ionization reaction of an acid:
Ka = (cα) (cα)/ (c-cα)
Ka = cα/ (1- α)

Kis the ionization or dissociation constant of acid HX and α is the degree of dissociation or the extent of ionization.

If we write equation of Ka in terms of molar concentration, we will get:
Ka = [H3O+] [X-]/ [HX]
Ka = [H+] [X-]/ [HX]

As you can see here that Kis directly proportional to the H+ concentration, which means acids which have higher Kvalue are stronger.

Similarly you can calculate the equilibrium constant Kb for a weak base. Let’s take an example of a weak base MOH and study its ionization in water:
MOH (aq)  M+(aq)  + OH-(aq)

If the initial concentration of MOH is c mole/lit and degree of dissociation is α, then at equilibrium MOH is left with (c-cα) moles/lit and Mand OH- each has (cα) moles/lit. So the Kwill be:

Kb = [M+] [OH-]/ [MOH]
Kb = cα/ (1- α)

Kis directly proportional to the OH- concentration, which means bases which have higher Kvalue are stronger.

In the next post we will see if there is any relation between Ka and Kb.

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