Thursday, January 8, 2015

Brönsted -Lowry Acid Base Theory

Johannes Brönsted and Thomas M. Lowry gave a generalized definition of acids and bases. They defined them by a common term “proton (H+)”. Acids are those which give proton and bases are those which accept proton.

Brönsted Acid and Base
Brönsted Acid and Base

Let’s see if this theory can explain the basic nature of NH3.

NH3(aq)+ H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH- (aq)

Here NH3accepts proton from H2O, hence it is called as base.

Conjugate Acid - Base Pair

This theory not only defines acid and base but also clarifies their relation with each other. Acid and base are like the two sides of a coin. As either side of a coin cannot stay alone, acid and base also can’t stay alone. Each of them has its counterpart which is named as conjugate.

In the above equation NH3 accepts proton and becomes NH4+, here it acts as base.

NH3(aq)   NH4+(aq) 

When you see the reverse reaction, you will see NH4+donates proton and becomes NH3, thus it acts as acid. NH3is a base and NH4+is its conjugate acid or vice versa.

NH3(aq)  NH4+(aq) 

Similarly H2O gives proton to NH3 and becomes OH- , so H2O acts as an acid and OH- is its conjugate base, which accepts proton from NH4+in reverse reaction. Let’s see one more equation.

HCl(aq)+ H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + Cl- (aq)

Here HCl gives proton H+ and acts as acid, while H2O accepts proton and acts as base. I hope now you can find their respective conjugate. HCl has its conjugate base Cl- and H2O has its conjugate acid OH-.

Conjugate Acid-Base Pair
Conjugate Acid-Base Pair

In the above two equations you have seen that H2O acts as acid when it comes with NH3 and acts as base when it comes with HCl. That means acid and base are comparative terms.

For example when 2 comes with 1, 2 looks bigger than 1 but if it comes with 3, it looks smaller. Similarly H2O acts as acid when it comes with NH3 and acts as base when it comes with stronger acid HCl.

Which factor decides the strength of an acid or base? Readiness to give off the proton decides the strength of any acid. If we compare two acids, the one which readily gives off the proton is the stronger acid. And similarly the one which accepts proton readily is the stronger base.

It is very easy to figure out the corresponding conjugates for acids and bases. If you want to find conjugate acid of any species just add proton (H+) to it and if you want to find conjugate base, subtract proton (H+) from it. Let’s practice few examples of conjugate acid- base pair:

Conjugate Acid
Conjugate Base

Now you must be able to guess the nature of species and also to find the conjugate acid and base of any species. But what happens to those species which lack a Hydrogen? For example, how can we find out whether BF3 is an acid or base? Arrhenius concept and Brönsted -Lowry acid base theory both are not able to help us in this case. So how do we find the right answer? In the next post we will try to find out its answer.

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